Entries from 2024-06-01 to 1 month

All types of induciable CAS9 methods

The emerging drug inducible CRISPR/Cas9 systems can be arbitrarily divided into two categories depending on whether at transcription or protein level does chemical control occurs. The first category includes Tet-On/Off system and Cre-depen…

Axon guidance mechanisms - growth cone

The morphology of the growth cone can be easily described by using the hand as an analogy. The filopodia (shows in green labeled actin) are like the "fingers" of the growth cone; they contain bundles of actin filaments (F-actin, from Crist…

Axon guidance models

There are two most common models to study axon guidance: commissures and topographic maps. 1, Commissures are sites where axons cross the midline from one side of the nervous system to the other. As described above, axonal guidance cues ar…

Axon guidance mechanism

The secreted and membrane-anchored cues were originally grouped into four rough categories, acting as attractants or repellents, at either short or long-range. They are: slit-Robo, Semaphorin-plexin and ephrin-Eph (where all other mechanis…

Fly visual relay from retina to lamina

The Drosophila eye consists of ∼750 single units called ommatidia, which contain eight photoreceptor neurons (R cells) each. R-cell axons project to two visual processing centers in the brain, the lamina and the medulla. The R1–R6 cells co…

Integrate bulk + sc + lineage into one story

Collect over 100 bulk seq samples to extrat metagene in a given condition (corelate broadly with a set of high correlation genes). If those metegenes show a bipolar pattern, it suggests that there is a alternative cell state can be modulat…