Entries from 2024-01-01 to 1 year

Human LGE CGE MGE marker

The MGE produces INs (SST+ somatostatin, PV+ Parvalbumin) that will migrate into the cortex and striatum.6,7,8,9,10,11 The LGE generates medium spiny neurons (MSNs, BCL11B+) for the striatum and INs that will migrate into the olfactory bul…

Dissociation of brain organoids

Single-cell dissociation of brain organoids for single-cell RNA Sequencing (10x Genomics Chromium platform) The following protocol is a modification of the Worthington Papain Dissociation kit manufacturer's protocol, as used in previous wo…

Clock gene in mammals

The core circadian clock mechanism is composed of 2 interlocked transcriptional negative feedback loops14. In the primary loop, transcriptional activators, BMAL1 (ARNTL) and CLOCK (or its ortholog NPAS2), form a DNA-binding heterodimer and…

Formaldehyde (FA) and paraformaldehyde (PFA) and antigen retrival

Formaldehyde (CH20) can crosslink of biomolecules (a well-known reaction called crosslinking reaction) between protein-protein or protein-DNA. The former of which is essential for mass-sepcturm to test protein interaction (by matching the …

All types of induciable CAS9 methods

The emerging drug inducible CRISPR/Cas9 systems can be arbitrarily divided into two categories depending on whether at transcription or protein level does chemical control occurs. The first category includes Tet-On/Off system and Cre-depen…

Axon guidance mechanisms - growth cone

The morphology of the growth cone can be easily described by using the hand as an analogy. The filopodia (shows in green labeled actin) are like the "fingers" of the growth cone; they contain bundles of actin filaments (F-actin, from Crist…

Axon guidance models

There are two most common models to study axon guidance: commissures and topographic maps. 1, Commissures are sites where axons cross the midline from one side of the nervous system to the other. As described above, axonal guidance cues ar…

Axon guidance mechanism

The secreted and membrane-anchored cues were originally grouped into four rough categories, acting as attractants or repellents, at either short or long-range. They are: slit-Robo, Semaphorin-plexin and ephrin-Eph (where all other mechanis…

Fly visual relay from retina to lamina

The Drosophila eye consists of ∼750 single units called ommatidia, which contain eight photoreceptor neurons (R cells) each. R-cell axons project to two visual processing centers in the brain, the lamina and the medulla. The R1–R6 cells co…

Integrate bulk + sc + lineage into one story

Collect over 100 bulk seq samples to extrat metagene in a given condition (corelate broadly with a set of high correlation genes). If those metegenes show a bipolar pattern, it suggests that there is a alternative cell state can be modulat…

Bulk normalization summary

https://hbctraining.github.io/DGE_workshop/lessons/02_DGE_count_normalization.htmlIn summary, DESEQ2 provide median of ratio method to normalize everything capable of comparison between samples and DEG analysis, but cannot handle within sa…

Barcode method summary

We can divide all barcode lineage methods into two categories. First part is the barcode, a rondom nucleotide sequence (10-20 nt), can either be DNA (inserted by lenti or transposase to read out by NGS) or RNA (integrated on 3"UTR of repor…

Embryonic development

Organoid morphgen in each region

Also Xuyu qian paper www.nature.com

The canonical neural marker

And the birthdate of neuron in different timing From the legendary paper in 2007 review www.nature.com

Allocortex and neocortex

The allocortex, or heterogenetic cortex, and neocortex are the two types of cerebral cortex in the brain. In the human brain, the allocortex is the much smaller area of cortex taking up just 10%; the neocortex takes up the remaining 90%. D…

Reconsider the neural induction protocol

Details of spinal cord - dorsal root ganglion (DRG)

Outermost is the bone part, inner is the yellow region divided by white matter (outer, with mylination axons fibers) and gray matter (inside, composed by cell body). The only exception is the sensory neurons (here the peripheral sensory ne…

Cortical-monomoter neurons

The cortico-motoneuronal (CM) [I think it is a subset or alternative of corticospinal tract, CST] system is unique to dexterous primates. It provides a direct pathway from motor cortex to the alpha motoneuron (a special neuron type reside …

Spinal cord structure

We use lamina instead layer to decribe section of spinal cord. Ten layers of grey matter (I–X), identified in the early 1950s by Bror Rexed to label portions of the grey columns of the spinal cord. Pretty similar to 6 layers in cortex, whi…

Excitatory neuron projection

Classically, three broad classes of projection neurons have been described for cortical excitatory neurons (Harris and Shepherd, 2015). Corticothalamic neurons project to the thalamus, their cell bodies occupy layer VI, and they express th…

Three mechanisms regulating fly neural commitment

Neurons are diversified by the intersection of three patterning mechanisms: 1, Spatial compartmentalization of the neuroepithelium into at least eight spatial regions by transcription factors (TFs) and signaling molecules. 2, Temporal sequ…

Neural anatomy of fly CNS

Fly brain majorly composes three parts. Ventral neural cord (studied during embryo), medulla inside optic lobe and type ii neuroblast generating adult central complex (stuied during larva and puapl). Each of them has beautiful story to rep…